Page 4 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 4


       Executive Chief
       Dennis Lundoe Nielsen

       Azra Mujacic

       Meredith Lewis

       Editorial team
       Azra Muajcic
       Louise Lund Harpoth
       Per Bach

       L. Munch

       Phoenix Design Aid A/S, a company
       accredited within the Sustainable
       Development Goals (SDGs) and in
       the fields of Quality Management
       (ISO 9001), Environmental
       Management (ISO 14001) and
       Occupational Health and Safety
       Management (ISO 45001). The
       company also holds a CO 2  neutral
       website certificate and receives a
       CEMAsys Climate Certificate™ for
       its purchase of emission credits.

       Printed on environmentally friendly
       paper without chlorine and with
       vegetable-based inks. The printed
       matter is recyclable.

       Cover illustration
       The cover is an illustration of the
       Kilimanjaro Development Center,
       made by Danish architectural firm,
       Caspersen & Krogh.

       The illustration is an initial idea
       for the layout of the facilities on
       the land in Loitokitok, Kenya.
       Read about the project on page 44.  Lene Søjberg, Senior Project Manager (left) and Vasiliki Ntokopoulou, Project Manager. Photo: Groovy Graphic.

       Phoenix Design Aid – Sustainability report 2023
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