Page 9 - Sustainability Report 2023
P. 9



                                                                                                    Photo: Groovy Graphic.

                            Welcome to Phoenix Design Aid’s              The second is related to our subsidiary in Kenya.
                            sustainability report 2023  !                After approximately three years, we are ready to move
                                                                         the Kenya operations and most Africa-projects back to
                            I am eager to share Phoenix Design Aid’s new   Nairobi. We have hired two new employees for the office
                            sustainability report 2023*, as we have many exciting   (read more about their positions on page 56), and we
                            news and stories. This year's report covers a reporting   are currently onboarding them to the company. I very
                            period from May 2022 to May 2023. We initiated some   much look forward to sharing more information on the
                            new projects, welcomed new employees, undertook    strengthening of our Nairobi office in next year’s report.
                            a system upgrade, did a “360 degrees” assessment of
                            the company and much more.                   Lastly, I am proud to announce that Phoenix Design
                                                                         Aid has acquired a Spanish IT company that forms
                            Through our membership and support of the United   part of the upscaling of our subsidiary in Spain,
                            Nations Global Compact, we take pride in working with   allowing us to meet the rapidly growing demand for
                            and supporting all efforts related to the Ten Principles   specialized digital solutions. Read more about the
                            of the United Nations Global Compact. Our efforts,   acquisition on page 61.
                            alongside our work with sustainable development,
                            people, the environment and the Sustainable   As always, I would like to thank all employees who
                            Development Goals (SDGs), are illustrated in this report   have worked on creating and designing this report and
                            which is divided into five main chapters. Together,   the external experts who have analysed the content for
                            they highlight how we incorporate the Ten Principles   inaccuracies to ensure that no greenwashing occurs.
                            of the United Nations Global Compact and the SDGs
                            into our strategy, value chain and daily operations.  I sincerely hope you enjoy the read.

                            There are in particular three activities that I am excited   All the best,
                            about. The first is the Kilimanjaro Development Center,
                            previously communicated as our tree planting project.
                            This project has progressed in several areas and is
                            centered around three focus areas — tree planting,
                            education and sports activities. Read more about each   Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, CEO
                            focus area of the Kilimanjaro Development Center on
                            pages 44 and 45. I am very excited to follow the future
                            progress of this project and hope that it will make a
                            difference for the local community in Lokitoktok, Kenya.

                            * As always, the report is available at A printed version will be distributed among
                             the company’s key stakeholders.
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