UNFCCC – Compendium on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Monitoring

Graphic Design & Layout Infographics & Illustration UNFCCC Reports

About theProject




Graphic and concept design, layout, typesetting and infographics.


This particular report produced for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) provides an overview of GHG emissions sources, presents methods for quantifying the GHG emissions and provides guidance on the creation and implantation of national strategies and measures to reduce the GHG emissions.

Phoenix Design Aid designed the compendium report, including concept and graphic design and layout. An important element of the design phase was the visualization of data in a simple yet appealing manner. Thus, Phoenix Design Aid created a variety of infographics and illustrations that convey the heavy GHG emission data, such as fuel types, energy consumption and emissions inventories and other types of infographics that present mitigation actions, processes and policy options.
