
Policy on social responsibility, quality, environment and the SDGs

Phoenix Design Aid’s policy on social responsibility, quality, environment and the SDGs that outlines how the company works with each area, including statements of commitment, focus areas and goals.

The policy is section 2.3 in the company handbook.

Policy on working environment

Phoenix Design Aid’s policy on working environment  that outlines how the company works with this area, including statements of commitment, focus areas and goals.

The policy is section 2.3.1 in the company handbook.

Sustainability management

Phoenix Design Aid’s policy on sustainability management describes the company’s structure of the PDAid management system that includes processes related to risk management, due diligence, value chain, evaluation processes, processes for remedial action, as well as a description of the company’s control and development programme.

The policy is section 2.6 in the company handbook.

Gender equality

Phoenix Design Aid has joined the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) to further strengthen the company’s commitment to gender equality and equity. The CEO, Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, has signed the signatory as a signal of global and collective commitment to gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace.

Visit Phoenix Design Aid’s WEPs company profile here: https://www.weps.org/company/phoenix-design-aid 

Phoenix Design Aid also has a description of the company’s approach to gender equality (section 2.7 in the company handbook).

Gifting policy

Phoenix Design Aid has a policy, stipulating how the company gives gifts internally among colleagues and externally with external stakeholders such as clients and partners. Internal gifts are acceptable within the guidelines outlined in the gifting policy, while Phoenix Design Aid does not send nor accept personal gifts from clients and partners .

Concrete examples and guidelines are outlined in Phoenix Design Aid’s gifting policy (section 5.7 in the company handbook).
