New sustainability report: Focus on the integration of the Sustainable Development Goals

On page 26 in the sustainability report, PDAid presents one story about a local project called “Familiehuset”. PDAid decided to support the project by becoming a sponsor and support the project financially. The project aims to promote both the integration and education of both parents and their children through a variety of consulting and support services.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are becoming more and more a part of the Danish and international social responsibility for both citizens, companies, organizations, associations and many others. To Phoenix Design Aid (PDAid), the SDGs have become an integrated part of the company’s business and DNA.
PDAid has recently published its sixth sustainability report, Communication on Progress (CoP). Here, PDAid invites the reader into a universe where the SDGs are the key for the operation of the company that unfolds on four continents.
Communication on Progress (CoP) 2018-2019
PDAid is a member of the UN Global Compact, and the company has supported the 10 general principles of the UN Global Compact since 2007.Every year, PDAid report on “advanced level” about its progress within the four areas that the SDGs are divided into: Human rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption. The report covers the timeline from October 2018 to September 2019.
To PDAid, the report is much more than a sustainability report. It functions as a management system for social responsibility as it explains how PDAid incorporates social responsibility and sustainability in its operations and daily life.
Walking the talk: The PDAid SDG pyramid

On page 14 in the sustainability report, PDAid introduces the “SDG Pyramid”. The Paper guide is presented on page 60 in a section about improving the environment and climate.
This year, PDAid has tried to take the step further with the integration of the SDGs. In a new section in the report, PDAid explains which SDGs underpins the way the company do business. In addition, PDAid has created a “SDG pyramid” that illustrates the foundation for the company’s approach to the SDGs. PDAid’s work is based on SDG number 17: Partnership for the goals. The pyramid also illustrates what other SDGs the company has chosen to focus particularly on – of which number 4, 12 and 13 is explained with concrete examples.
Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, CEO of Phoenix Design Aid, is proud of this year’s CoP and PDAid’s SDG pyramid. Dennis explains that the company supports the SDGs in three ways:
“PDAid tries to support the SDGs through its own initiatives, its support of other initiatives and through information provided to influence on partners. In the report, we try to unfold all three ways. Our own initiatives especially have great importance as our operations are in line with SDG guidelines. All activity that uses carbon use is offset through certified programs, all material is environmental, and 70 percent of PDAid staff is women. And all PDAid operations are certified under high established standards for quality, environment, working environment and CSR, including the FSC CoC certified for the production of printed material.”
Read the report here: