In an exciting new development, Phoenix Design Aid has entered a strategic partnership with ConnectAID, the International Solidarity Network, to amplify communication efforts for organizations dedicated to the Sustainable Development...
Phoenix Design Aid er ikke bange for, at kunstig intelligens skal gøre virksomheden arbejdsløse. Sammen med Alexandra Instituttet har de afdækket, hvor i organisationen AI kan skabe mest værdi i...
Phoenix Design Aid is not afraid that artificial intelligence (AI) will make the company unemployed. Together with the Alexandra Institute, they have explored where in the organization AI can create...
I maj 2024 overtog Phoenix Design Aid BGRAPHIC, et dansk grafisk design bureau med base i København. Med overtagelsen styrker Phoenix Design Aid sine aktiviteter og positionering i Danmark med...
In May 2024, Phoenix Design Aid acquired BGRAPHIC, a Danish graphic design agency based in Copenhagen. The acquisition will be a great asset in strengthening the company’s activities and positioning...
I 2024 åbner et nyt ungdomscenter ved foden af Kilimanjaro i Afrika. Centeret, der navngives Kilimanjaro Development Center, er resultatet af et unikt samarbejde mellem nonprofitorganisationen PDAid Foundation, der er...
PDAid Foundation, supported by Danish design and communication agency Phoenix Aid Design, and its Kenya-based partner Kilimanjaro Initiative are setting up a center dedicated to youth empowerment at the foot...
In June 2023, Phoenix Design Aid hired two new employees to its subsidiary in Nairobi, Kenya. After almost three years of managing all operational tasks from its headquarters in Denmark,...
Phoenix Design Aid ha adquirido la empresa española de consultoría informática The Byte Flow. Esta decisión tiene por fin expandir su filial en España y ampliar sus competencias para seguir...
Phoenix Design Aid har opkøbt den spanske IT-virksomhed Byte Flow. Det sker for at opskalere Phoenix Design Aid’s datterselskab i Spanien samt deres kompetencer yderligere med henblik på at kunne...