Phoenix Design Aid awarded ”Børsen Gazelle 2022”

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With great pleasure and pride, Phoenix Design Aid can announce that the company has been selected for “Børsen Gazelle 2022”.

In October 2022, Phoenix Design Aid got awarded the “Børsen Gazelle 2022”.

According to Børsen, a gazelle is “[…] a company that has had, during four financial years, a positive growth every year and has, overall, at least doubled its turnover over the four years” (translated). Børsen also describes that the title demonstrates a performance that “requires something out of the ordinary” (translated).

CEO at Phoenix Design Aid, Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, says that they are incredibly proud of the recognition.

“We work with sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), so of course this recognition means a lot to us because it, among other things, helps to show that positive growth can go hand in hand with sustainability”, says Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, CEO at Phoenix Design Aid.

Phoenix Design Aid A/S is an international design and communication company with expertise in graphic design, digital solutions and strategic communication. All projects in accordance with internationally recognised principles of social responsibility as well as United Nations requirements. The company is certified in Quality Management (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001), Occupational Health and Safety and Management (OHSAS 18001) and holds an SDG certificate (specifically in 11 targets within SDG 4, 12, 13 and 17).

Phoenix Design Aid would like to thank the company’s fantastic employees, clients and partners who have been a great part of this journey. The company also wishes to congratulate the remaining companies that have also been awarded “Børsten Gazelle 2022”.
