Phoenix Design Aid supports the fight against corruption

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In support of the fight against corruption, Phoenix Design Aid (PDAid) recently entered as member of the national association, Transparency International Denmark. The membership enhances PDAid’s discouragement of corruption and underlines the company’s desire to take active part in efforts to heighten the integrity of Danish society and business.

At Phoenix Design Aid (PDAid) we are committed to prevent corrupt behavior and corruption-like conditions. We find it critical to ensure implementation of values pertaining to anti-corruption and transparent business operations – both internally and amongst stakeholders.

Anti-corruption is deliberated through our CSR standard (DS-49001), and PDAid’s current external certifications and audits within the area have not resulted in any negative observations related to corruption-related events or ambiguity of copyrights.

Promoting transparency is an integral part of our CSR efforts. Moreover, we actively indorse the fight against corruption through promotion of both the United Nations Global Compact initiative and the UN Millennium development goals. As a member of the national association, Transparency International Denmark, we will take part in networks and participate in relevant events, international presentations, workshops and conferences, providing access to exchange of experiences.

About Transparency International
Transparency International Denmark is the Danish branch of the global partisan, independent NGO, Transparency International (TI), whose overall purpose is to combat corruption and bribery worldwide. The TI headquarter is located in Berlin and there are currently 90 national departments.

TI works to promote reforms together with other international organizations to increase public awareness and support for the work against corruption and increasing transparency in international transactions. Through national departments, TI authorities put pressure to implement effective legislation and policies against corruption.

TI Denmark works to prevent corruption in Denmark and regularly organizes various public events as well as participating actively in the public debate.

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