SME COP 2020: Phoenix Design Aid selected as one of Denmark’s best

Dennis Lundø Nielsen, CEO, Phoenix Design Aid, Kristian Jensen, chairman of the 2030 network, MF (V), and Birgitte Mogensen, chairman of the Committee for Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, FSR-Danish auditors, and owner of Board Management.
The Randers company Phoenix Design Aid is among the best Danish small and medium-sized companies to report on sustainability. This was announced by Global Compact Network Denmark and FSR – The Danish Auditors Association- on Tuesday when they held their annual SME COP 2020 awards.
For the second year in a row, the Danish branch of the world’s largest voluntary initiative for sustainably responsible companies, Global Compact, in cooperation with FSR – which is The Danish Auditors Association– announced which Danish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises ( SMEs) are best-in-class at reporting on their sustainable initiatives and work.
This was done with the announcement of the SME COP 2020 List, which, this year, was a review of 49 nominated companies’ annual Communications on Progress (COP) reports, which are produced by companies in order to ensure that businesses are transparent and open about their work on accountability and sustainability. The analysis, done by Global Compact and FSR, describes and documents each of the five nominated company’s work on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 10 Principles of the organisation Global Compact- which are a common ethical and practical framework for corporate responsibility, based on international conventions and agreements.
The SME COP list 2020 consists of five Danish small and medium-sized enterprises, including the Design and Communications company Phoenix Design Aid, which, from its headquarters in Randers, performs a number of different communication tasks that support the activities of major UN organisations:
– As Ambassador to the City of Randers, I am proud to be among the top five COP reports in the SME segment 2020. It is an accomplishment, which puts our city on the map of Denmark, while at the same time confirming the importance of our work on sustainability and the UN’s Sustainable Development goals and a recognition of our accomplishments at this, says CEO of Phoenix Design Aid, Dennis Lundø Nielsen.
Global Compact Network Denmark and FSR selected Phoenix Design Aid for SME COP 2020, among other things, based on the company’s inspiring, detailed and transparent report, which through strong storytelling manages to identify even small sustainable actions and processes.
Phoenix Design Aid was also recognized with an official certification in the UN Sustainable Development Goals in June 2020.
Sustainable source of inspiration
This year’s SME COP List was announced on Tuesday at an event in Copenhagen, held by Global Compact and FSR. At the event, the CEOs of the awarded companies, participated in a panel discussion discussing COP reporting and sustainability. The aim of the event was to promote dialogue on good SME reporting and to inspire other small and medium-sized enterprises.
– We are proud to contribute and be a source of inspiration for other organizations. It was therefore also a great honour to be allowed to participate in the panel discussion, together with the other awarded companies. I hope that our experience can contribute to more small and medium-sized enterprises being inspired to increase the level of their sustainability reporting and to launch even more sustainable initiatives, concludes Dennis Lundø Nielsen.
Phoenix Design Aid publishes a sustainability report every year and reports at the Advanced Level to the UN Global Compact, where initiatives, activities and stories on sustainability and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are told, every year.
In addition to Phoenix Design Aid, the companies: Metz, Missionpharma, Troldtekt and IFU were also selected for the SME COP 2020 list.