Tradium and Phoenix Design Aid are focusing on the SDGs

Both Tradium and Phoenix Design Aid are focusing on the SDGs. On the picture from left to right; Lars Michael Madsen, CEO at Tradium, Dennis Lundø Nielsen, CEO at Phoenix Design Aid, Azra Mujacic, Communications Assistant at Phoenix Design Aid, and Søren Sørensen, Chairman of the Board at Tradium.
Photo: Jakob Lerche Fotografi.
During the past couple of years, many companies have chosen to focus more on the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) as a part of their strategic work.
In the future, Tradium will start to focus more on the SDGs on several levels – both strategically, but also in relation to their educations. Tradium offers upper secondary general and vocational education, education and training courses for adults and education of podiatrists.
Tradium is an educational institution that seeks to influence, form and educate people. The SDGs are therefore a great opportunity for Tradium to be a part of the impact on the society, explains Lars Michael Madsen, CEO at Tradium.
“Vision is a value we strive for at Tradium. We offer practice and business-oriented educations, and I believe that the SDGs will fit very well into this. I see a potential in connecting innovation, the perspective of a world citizen and the SDGs together for the students,” says Lars Michael Madsen.
“When our government has implemented the SDGs, that basically aim for a more sustainable world, we are obligated, as one of the biggest educational institutions in our area, to expand the knowledge and understanding of this to our students,” Søren Sørensen, Chairman of the Board at Tradium, continues.
Søren Sørensen adds: “Since we are setting the tone as the biggest educational institution in our area, I see it as Tradium’s job to support our municipalities and business community in pursuing, for example, goal number 8: decent work and economic growth, goal number 9: industry, innovation and infrastructure, goal number 11: sustainable cities and communities and goal number 17: partnership for the goals.”
To Lars Michael Madsen, it is also important that Tradium contributes to the agenda that many of the young people are focusing on, namely a sustainable world.
“I believe a more focused work with the SDGs will give us the opportunity to speak the same language as our foreign and domestic partners as well as students. This way, we can create a mutual community, and thereby contribute to and influence the agenda,” continues Lars Michael Madsen and adds:
“And we should, of course, do it from a business perspective, in the sense that sustainability also becomes a way of thinking in business opportunities. Sustainability and business can go hand in hand. Just look at Grundfos and Phoenix Design Aid.”
Consulting and advising of the SDGs
It can seem like a complex project to start working with the SDGs, but everything is possible with the right prerequisites and help. Therefore, Tradium allied themselves with Phoenix Design Aid, a Danish communications and design agency in Randers, Denmark.
Phoenix Design Aid has been working with the SDGs for a couple of years now. Monday, the 17thof June 2019, Dennis Lundø Nielsen, CEO of Phoenix Design Aid, gave a presentation for Tradium and their Board of Directors together with Per Bach, Consultant at Phoenix Design Aid.
“I am very happy that we got the opportunity to inspire others to start working with the SDGs as they are very close to Phoenix Design Aid’s heart and have also become a part of how we work at Phoenix,” says Dennis Lundø Nielsen and adds: “I am excited to start following Tradium’s future work with the SDGs”.
Phoenix Design Aid launches a sustainability report every year, called “Communication on Progress”. It is based on UN’s 17 sustainable development goals and unfolds stories about relevant activities and initiatives. Dennis Lundø Nielsen hopes that Tradium can draw inspiration from this report in their future work with the SDGs.
Even the small steps count
From now on, Tradium will start to think more strategically with the SDGs, but they have already incorporated some initiatives that support some of the SDGs. It is therefore not a completely new task for them. Tradium has, for example, replaced their plastic cups with reusable paper cups. In the autumn, their plastic bottles will phase out, and they will start to establish a sustainable waste management system.
“We think our future communication of the SDGs in our educational programs and cooperation with partners, both nationally and internationally, could make Tradium an ambassador in the long and short run. And when working with the SDGs, every step count, even the small ones – so it is just about getting started,” ends Søren Sørensen.