About theProject


Logo, branding guide and funding appeal documents.


Concept and graphic design, concept development and layout.


The Human Rights Mainstreaming Multi-Donor Trust Fund (the HRM Fund) works to support United Nations agencies in mainstreaming human rights and efforts to respect and fulfill their human rights obligations and commitments.

Phoenix Design Aid was assigned to help communicate the multiyear results framework for 2021- 2024 of the HRM Fund by strengthening the visual presentation of the fund. Thus, Phoenix Design Aid developed a brand identity and guideline, including a fund logo and appeal documents, that aims to help support and harmonize HRM Fund’s communication across platforms and materials while also serving as an internal guide.

An important element of the branding guideline was the logo design and development, which had to present the HRM Fund’s interagency niche and draw upon the SDG colors as a part of the overall branding and communication of the fund.

Alongside the branding guideline, Phoenix Design Aid also designed two fund appeal documents, following the guideline and using the fund logo.
