The Platform on Disaster Displacement – Baseline analysis report

Graphic Design & Layout Concept Design Infographics Reports

About theProject




Concept development, graphic design, layout, infographics and artwork.


The Platform on Disaster Displacement is an initiative working towards better protection for people displaced across borders in the context of disasters and climate change. The initiative is state-led and hosted by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).

Phoenix Design Aid undertook a comprehensive design enhancement project for a baseline analysis report. Our role was to elevate the visual communication of the report’s key findings. Additionally, we developed 10 custom infographics that highlighted the report’s most critical findings. These visually compelling infographics were compiled into a separate insights document to effectively convey the data to a broader audience.

Through this redesign and infographic development, Phoenix Design Aid transformed the baseline report into two visually captivating and accessible resources, making the data more engaging and easier to understand for diverse stakeholders.
