Minister impressed with Phoenix Design Aid


On November 12, the Minister for Development Cooperation, Ulla Tørnæs, visited Phoenix Design Aid’s HQ in Randers. After the meeting, the Minister expressed to the local newspaper that she was very impressed with how PDAid works with supplying UN with graphic communication services.

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The Minister for Development Cooperation Ulla Tørnæs and CEO Dennis Lundø Nielsen in front of UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which play a large role in PDAid’s business and CSR strategy.

The Danish Minister for Development Cooperation Ulla Tørnæs wants to inspire Danish companies to work for UN’s organizations and therefore she wished to visit PDAid who has many years’ experience in supplying UN with graphic communication solutions while always focusing on environment, quality and sustainability. When the minister left Randers, her bag was filled with inspiration and knowledge about PDAid’s journey towards becoming a successful UN supplier.

After the visit, when the minister was asked to pinpoint what had struck her as most fascinating about PDAid, she simply replied “all of it” before she explained in further details: “I have nothing but respect for PDAid’s work. They deliver various types of high-quality products to many different organizations within UN”, and the minister continued: “PDAid focuses on sustainability, social responsibility and being climate friendliness and I am very impressed how thoroughly thought out every single detail is, from idea to development stages to finished products. It is very inspiring, and I hope to be able to take this inspiration with me to other companies.”

From PDAid’s point of view, the objective of the visit was indeed to inspire the Minister and let her in on “all of it” in terms of explaining how working with environment, quality and sustainability has opened the door to working with UN.

The first part of the meeting took place in PDAid’s large meeting room, where CEO Dennis Lundø Nielsen described the history of PDAid from winning the first UN contract in the 1990’s up until today where the company holds more than 20 so-called long-term agreements. In his presentation, Dennis also touched upon the importance of working with sustainability and his passion for supporting initiatives such as PDAid Foundation, Kilimanjaro Initiative and Sauti Kuu Foundation.

Ulla Tørnæs

The market transformation was shown through a physical timeline arranged in the PDAid Library.

The second part of the meeting focused on showing the large transformation there has been in the market for graphic solutions. This was shown in the PDAid library where a physical timeline was arranged, starting with an old print sample moving from large books to smaller publications, CDs, USBs, merchandise and ended in the digital era showcasing website and interactive programs. On the timeline, it was also clear that sustainability and CSR have always been a corner stone for PDAid who displayed the three most recent COP reports and the work for promoting the sustainable development goals with animations and paperclips as examples.



To read the article in Randers Amtsavis, click here

To see the list of LTAs, click here

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