Phoenix Design Aid launches new initiative to promote the SDGs
At Phoenix Design Aid, we are proud supporters of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To spread the message of the SDGs and to enhance their visibility, we have developed a new product.
Phoenix Design Aid (PDAid) is introducing the SDG paperclips produced by an ISO 14001 certified company to make sure the product is in full compliance with environmental standards and to minimize pollution related to the production, totally in line with the SDGs.
To make up for the plastic used in the production, PDAid will arrange for an annual waste collection day in Kenya. With this collection, we want to neutralize the amount of plastic sold by collecting waste from the Kenyan countryside. In practice, this means that for every sold kilo of paperclips, two kilos of plastic waste will be collected in Kenya.
PDAid collaborates with local NGOs to set up the plastic waste collection day, and for now, the idea is that the young people who join the collection will receive a modest amount for their efforts in making our planet a bit cleaner. To PDAid, this is a win-win version of climate neutralization and communicating the essential message of the SDGs.
If you are interested in knowing more about PDAid’s SDG initiatives, please visit our SDG page to read our Sustainability report and download our SDG animation.