Phoenix Design Aid is the winner of the “Initiativprisen 2019”

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From left to right: Torben Hansen, the Mayor of the municipality in Randers, Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, CEO of Phoenix Design Aid, and Per Hastrup, the chairman of DI Randers-Norddjurs. Photo: Groovy Graphic.

DI Randers-Norddjurs has chosen PDAid as the winner of the “Initiativpris 2019” due to our focus on climate, sustainability and integration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The “Initiativpris” is an award and tribute to the winner’s enthusiasm, creativity and urge to create and produce. The winner must be a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) and a member of Dansk Industri (DI). At the same time, the winner is seen as an inspiring role model for other business leaders.

DI Randers-Norddjurs has chosen PDAid as the winner for the following reasons:

  • We are described as a company that delivers high quality and always on time. “Value for money” is our key phrase, while we also constantly focus on the climate and environment.
  • We particularly concentrate on serving international and intergovernmental organizations, including the United Nations (UN), the European Union, NGOs and public authorities, while performing all projects in compliance with internationally recognized principles of social responsibility as well as UN requirements.
  • Our success of being a global networking company while having our headquarters in Randers, Denmark.
  • We are among the pioneers when it comes to sustainability which is very close to our heart as a part of the UN Global Compact. We report at the advanced level within the UN Global Compact, and we have integrated the SDGs in our business strategy.
  • We maintain solid growth rates.

The chairman of DI Randers-Norddjurs, Mr. Per Hastrup, says in a press release:

“Phoenix Design Aid is among the pioneers when it comes to sustainability, and as a member of the UN Global Compact, PDAid is keen to take the action within this area. They report at advanced level within the UN Global Compact and have integrated the SDGs in their business strategy.”

Official handover ceremony
On 30 September 2019, Phoenix Design Aid held an official and formal handover ceremony was held with the Mayor of the municipality in Randers, Mr. Torben Hansen, and the chairman of DI Randers-Norddjurs, Mr. Per Hastrup.

PDAid was celebrating the award together with colleagues and friends in our headquarters in Randers. All the employees are proud and glad to receive the award, and Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, CEO of Phoenix Design Aid, is particularly proud:

“It is an honor to receive an award that acknowledges PDAid’s work with sustainability and the SDGs. This award is a confirmation of what we do. Things have been going really fast for PDAid, and that continues,” says Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, CEO of Phoenix Design Aid, and adds:

“As a Randers-ambassador, I am especially glad to have received this award. A lot of the bigger projects that PDAid has been winning for the past year has been managed from our office. This shows that Randers is a great area for companies to do business.”

The Mayor of the municipality in Randers, Mr. Torben Hansen, is also proud:

“Phoenix Design Aid can absolutely be described as a global networking company with headquarters in Randers. And we are not sad about the latter because it means great jobs and projects to the city, but it also means that we, in the municipality of Randers and together with many other companies, can boast with a global view”, he says.

Once again, PDAid wishes to express appreciation to DI Randers-Norddjurs for choosing us as the winner of this award!
