Phoenix Design Aid to test new global United Nations Global Compact platform

Dn Web

CEO, Dennis Lundoe Nilsen, with Phoenix Design Aid’s new sustainability report 2022. Photo: Azra Mujacic.

The Danish design and communication agency Phoenix Design Aid has been selected to test a new United Nations platform that aims to inspire companies around the world to work with sustainability, respect human rights and support the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Responsible business, sustainability and the 17 SDGs are often among the words that people encounter when visiting the websites of many companies today. But it can sometimes be difficult to see how this actually takes place in the companies’ daily work or what you as a company can do to take greater social responsibility.

The design and communication agency Phoenix Design Aid, which has worked ambitiously for sustainability for many years, will now help change that. The company has been selected as part of the United Nations Early Adapter Programme to test a new platform that will make it easier for companies to work with principles on, among other things, the environment, human rights and SDGs.

We are really proud to have been selected as one of the companies to provide feedback on the United Nations Global Compact Communication on Progress platform. It allows us to help improve the various tools that the platform consists of before its full release in 2023. Specifically, we must, among other things, adapt to a completely new form of reporting that will be more simple and digital than before and which also results in a new sustainability report, says Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, who is the CEO of Phoenix Design Aid.

The platform was developed by the United Nations Global Compact, which is the world’s largest voluntary initiative for corporate sustainability. Phoenix Design Aid has been a member since 2007, and this means that the company, together with the other member companies around the world, is committed to working with the Ten Principles within, among other things, human rights, the environment and anti-corruption.

The purpose of the platform is to help member companies better understand, track and present their progress with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact as well as help the companies better comply with the 17 SDGs, says Dennis Lundoe Nielsen and continues:

In 2020, we were the first graphic agency that got certified according to four SDGs (namely 4, 12, 13 and 17), specifically 11 targets, and we thus have great knowledge of both the United Nations and the SDGs. Therefore, we feel well equipped to help improve the platform, which hopefully can also inspire other companies to take part in the United Nations initiative and take greater social responsibility.

Worldwide, more than 20,000 companies are members of the United Nations Global Compact, while the Danish network Global Compact Network Denmark has almost 500 member companies.

For further information, please contact:

Dennis Lundoe Nielsen, CEO of Phoenix Design Aid
Mobile: +45 21 41 09 06

About Phoenix Design Aid
Phoenix Design Aid A/S is an international design and communication company with expertise in graphic design and digital solutions. With particular emphasis on serving international and intergovernmental organisations, including the United Nations and European Union agencies, non-government organizations and public authorities, the company carries out all projects in accordance with internationally recognised principles of social responsibility as well as United Nations requirements. The company is certified in Quality Management (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001), Occupational Health and Safety and Management (OHSAS 18001) and holds an SDG certificate (specifically in 11 targets within SDG 4, 12, 13 and 17).

Read more about Phoenix Design Aid here and the company’s new sustainability report here.

About the United Nations Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact consists of Ten Principles which provide a common ethical and practical framework for corporate responsibility and are based on international conventions and agreements. The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact are derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption.

Read more about the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact here and the enhanced Communication on Progress platform here.
