PRESS RELEASE: Phoenix Design Aid creates informational film for Auma Obama’s Sauti Kuu project

On July 16th the Obama-family, friends, and guests will celebrate the inaugural opening of the Sauti Kuu Foundation Sports, Resource and Vocational Training Centre in Alego, Kenya. To help spread the word and share the purpose and concept of Sauti Kuu, they will also present a newly produced film. This film is produced by Phoenix Design Aid, a Danish design and communication agency primarily working with the United Nations, the European Union and NGO’s worldwide. Danish multi-award-winning filmmaker Vibeke Muasya directed the film, telling the story of how children and young people in Kenya learn to be self-reliant through working with traditional farming.
I was inspired by Dr. Auma Obama’s energy and spirit as well as the purpose driving Sauti Kuu to produce the film. The project Sauti Kuu is an inspiration to everyone working with rural life in Africa which is often marked by great poverty. My contribution is a film that tells the story of all the benefits, tangible results and pride that comes from teaching young people how to live while caring for nature,” says Dennis Lundoe Nielsen.
The focus of the model of Sauti Kuu is to make the economic growth that is based on locally available resources a substantial part of the economic value chain. The model questions the conventional definition of poverty and creates space for interaction which thereby enables participants to act from a position of strength and active responsibility for their own lives. “Poverty is no excuse. Poverty is a creation in our minds and in our heads. We need money for something, but not for everything. And, if we can get anything else from the land, we will be wealthier by that,” says Dr. Auma Obama in the film. “I would like the rest of the world to learn about Sauti Kuu through the film and be inspired in terms of how to empower the younger generations through working with the valuable resources, knowledge, and skills that are already present and available in local communities, but that have somehow been forgotten or overlooked,” says Dennis Lundoe Nielsen.
Mr. Nielsen has applied the same thinking in his own foundation ’The PDAid Foundation’, which aims to develop talent in underdeveloped communities.
“We believe that growth, democracy, and human rights in underprivileged communities must be strengthened from within in order to create and ensure ongoing and viable improvements. An efficient way of achieving this is through a structured, global talent-support program. It is a similar thinking that lies behind the Sauti Kuu project,” says Dennis Lundoe Nielsen. He will be amongst the guests attending the inauguration of the Sauti Kuu Foundation Sport Resource and Vocational Centre on 16th of July, to officially be opened by H. E. Barack Hussein Obama 44th president of United States.
For further information, please contact Dennis Lundoe Nielsen at: +45 21410906 or