About theProject


Web publication (online report).


Concept design, website design, development and UX/UI.


For the second year in a row, Phoenix Design Aid was tasked to create an Impact Report for the Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT), an initiative under the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The report was developed both as a web publication (online report) and as a PDF file.

The impact report captures the impact of ICAT’s work in 2023 within the 30-40 countries where the organization operates. The web publication is a condensed and interactive version of the PDF, which contains full-length articles that are shared with the public and stakeholders.

The experience design and layout were developed by our designers based on the text provided discussions with the ICAT Secretariat and the ICAT brand manual. The web publication is developed in English and in Webflow CMS.

After the hand-over, four PDF versions of the report were created maintaining the new design concept. The four PDF versions include a main version, an interactive version, a main version with financial information and an interactive version with financial information. The three later PDF versions are all for internal use only.

Please visit the web publication here: https://climateactiontransparency.org/report2023/
