About theProject


Progress Report (in three languages) incl. summaries


Graphic design, layout, photo and graphics artwork for SUN Movement’s annual 200 pages progress report produced in three different language versions


Every year, the Scaling up Nutrition (SUN) Movement publishes a progress report describing and analyzing the status on the fight against malnutrition. For this annual report, we delivered services in relation to concept design and visual identity making sure the report were in line other SUN publications. We were in charge of the graphic design, layout, typesetting and provided infographics and illustrations to visualize the statistics throughout the report. To provide a snapshot of the progress in the 60 SUN countries, we developed a one-page template illustrating the nutrition situation, institutional transformations and priorities for 2018-2019 in each country. The country profiles are placed in the back of the report and were also made available for online download. Read more about how we connected these profiles to an interactive map on the online portal we created for the progress report right here.

In addition to the annual progress report, we created a summary and produced various communication material for the presentation event.

For this project, we provided servides related to creating an online portal for the digital distribution of the report. Read our case here and access the online Progress Report 2018 here.
