About theProject


Responsive portal for online report.


Wireframing, design and implementation of online report.


For the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Movement, we created a responsive portal for the online publication of their Progress Report 2018. The main aim of the portal is to bring the content to life and to connect the print report with the web portal, and it was developed with this objective in mind. The structure of the portal was created based on the main content, and the design has been made in line with the print report in order to bring these two products closely together. This year, the portal includes an interactive map on which allows clicking on each region. This function easily leads the user to the selected profiles. One of our main goals was to create a portal that would easy to navigate on, thus ensuring that end users easily can find the content they are looking for. The portal is made in English and has been built within the existing SUN Movement website and CMS.

View the online Progress Report 2018 here.

For this project, we also provided services for the printed report.
