Printing (500 copies), binding (perfect binding) and delivery of annual report.
TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) is a not-for-profit organization, established in 2010, that focuses on Aid for Trade (AfT) delivery in East Africa. The organization is driven by values such as collaboration, innovation, professionalism, inclusiveness, integrity and results driven.
The TMEA annual report 2018-2019 is divided in five main parts, including “Understanding TMEA”, “Strategic Approach”, “Country Programmes”, “Culture. People. Practice” and “Financial Highlights”. In the first section, TMEA shows its commitment to the SDGs and focuses on SDG number 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 5: Gender Equality, 13: Climate Action, 1: No Poverty, 10: Reduced Inequalities and 17: Partnership for the Goals.
Phoenix Design Aid provided TMEA with printing and delivery of its annual report 2018-2019. We printed and delivery 500 copies in high quality print and binding to Kenya.