About theProject


The TT:CLEAR website alows you to:

  • Stay up-to-date on all UNFCCC technology processes, including negotiations
  • Browse TEC recommendations on policies for climate technology development and transfer
  • Search for climate technology projects in developing countries
  • Find information on technology events
  • Learn what people on Twitter think about #climatetech
  • Find the national focal points for technology development and transfer
  • Learn about the history of technology in the UNFCCC process and find relevant COP decisions
  • Access comprehensive information on technology needs assessments, including country reports
  • Find information on various sources of support for technology transfer and development


Strategy, Concept, Design and Frontend Implementation (JSON, html5)

Description: Established in 2001, TT:CLEAR is the UNFCCC web-platform for all information related to climate technology. In particular, TT:CLEAR houses information on the Technology Mechanism, the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and technology needs assessments. To view the website go to: http://unfccc.int/ttclear/
