UN Environment Programme Paris – Global Peatlands Initiative website

Digital, Web & Apps Website Development Information architecture UX/UI UN Environment

About theProject


Website design, development, hosting and maintenance.


Information architecture, UI/UX design, development, hosting, server and software maintenance and development support.


The Global Peatlands Initiative (GDPI) is an Initiative led by UN Environment Programme in the Biodiversity and Land Branch of the Ecosystem Division. Since 2018, the GPI has developed from a core group of 13 partners to more than 46 organizations with four partner countries. This expansion is anticipated to continue as the work for the GPI gains prominence and the importance of peatlands is recognized around the globe.

Phoenix Design Aid has had the great pleasure of helping GPI on the design and development of a new website that will allow users groups, stakeholders and partners to use the website as a knowledge platform, a trusted information source for all peatlands-related content.

Phoenix Design Aid delivered a dynamic and user-friendly knowledge platform that displays events, document repository as news and articles and a media library. The new website is built in Drupal 9 and includes improved user experience (UX) and updated information architecture. The website is built using google translations for the selection of other languages than English, hereunder French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic and Chinese.

After the completion of the main project, Phoenix Design Aid will undertake hosting and maintenance of the server and software to ensure security, updates and improvements.

Please visit the website here: https://globalpeatlands.org
