UNDP Panama – Website for Panama City’s 500th Anniversary

UNDP UNDP Panama Digital, Web & Apps Website Web design Development WordPress

About theProject




Design, development and implementation of a web page in WordPress.


To celebrate the 500th anniversary of Panama City, UNDP Panama supports “”The comission of the 500 years of the Foundation of the City of Panama”” who prepares, coordinates and executes the commemorative activities of anniversary. As part of the activities, we designed and developed the website of the “Panama 500 “project. The website is implemented in WordPress to enable communicators to easy and quick access to post articles, videos and links. We have trained the client to use it on a daily basis.

In addition to this website, we were also involved in other projects for the “”Panama 500″” project. We assisted the client with an artistic event with musical and cultural shows and with decorating airport windows for an exhibition.
