EC-UNDP JTF – Web design and development

Digital, Web & Apps Microsite Development UNDP

About theProject


Web design and development.


Digital design and development.


The European Commission (EC) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are partners in the field of electrical assistance and constitute the EC-UNDP Partnership/Joint Task Force (JTF) on electoral assistance.

Phoenix Design Aid was assigned to design and develop 14 microsites under the EC-UNDP JTF electoral assistance projects. All microsites are built in WordPress and with the same overall operational specifications and visual concept, while also allowing for differences depending on the country represented.

For each microsite, the focal point was to improve the overall aesthetics and usability. For that reason, they are designed simply with a lot of information about the particular projects and activities.

In addition to the design and development, Phoenix Design Aid has been in charge of the hosting, maintenance and support for each microsite.

Please see an example of a larger website redesign task under the EC-UNDP JTF electoral assistance projects here:
