IRENA – Video on Renewable Energy in Africa

Video, Animations & Explainers Video editing Sound Energy

About theProject


2-minute video.


Video editing, subtitling, sound design, music and voice over.


International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) supports countries in their transition to a sustainable energy future and promotes widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy.

In 2022, IRENA published a publication called Regional Market Analysis: Africa and its Regions report and came to Phoenix Design Aid for help with the production of a video that disseminates insights from the publication.

The aim of the video is to highlight content and findings from the report to highlight the challenges Africa faces, while shedding light on the opportunities by using data and figures from the report. Thus, the video is a mixture of footage of Africa and graphics and figures from the report, combined with soothing background music that goes hand-in-hand with the voice-over.

Watch the video here:
