UNITAR – Animated video on UN online self-paces training course for Military Gender Advisers

Video, Animations & Explainers UNITAR Animated video Video editing Script Sound

About theProject


Animated videos.


Script writing, concept and illustrations (based on UNITAR Branding guidelines), animatic, animation, narration, subtitling and music.


Phoenix Design Aid produced a video to support UNITAR’s endeavor to inform its target audience about UN Peacekeeping Missions – the UN arm which has a mandate to protect civilians. The aim of the video in particular is to explain that UNITAR is launching a UN online self-paced training course for Military Gender Advisers together with its partners.

Therefore, the visuals of the animation represent humanity in its diversity with a slight emphasis of female characters. To balance this, the narration is made by a male voice, advocating the subject of gender officer presence and training.

Watch the videos here:

English video:

French video:
