UN Volunteers – 50-year Anniversary Book 

Graphic Design & Layout Concept Design & Visual Identity Photo UNV

About theProject


Hard cover book in the five United Nations (UN) languages.


Narrative concept and writing services, graphic and concept design, layout, photo selection, typesetting, copy-editing, translation, printing, binding and shipping.


In 2021, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme celebrated its 50 years of contribution to peace and development through volunteerism worldwide.

Phoenix Design Aid was hired to develop a coffee table-style anniversary book, offering a photo retrospective of the 50 years of the UNV.

To tell the story, our editor developed three narrative strands; ‘UNV adapts’, ‘Values endure’ and ‘Volunteers evolve’, each providing a framework for a set of elaborated photo stories. Together with the photos, the narratives concept document the journey of the initial group of volunteers and all those who followed and developed the UNV.

To underpin the purpose of the book, our designer developed an exclusive concept design and a clean and spacious layout allowing the photos to speak. The photo selection was an important asset in the creation of the book. Leading up to the production, UNV had over 29,000 historical photos digitalized and gathered a pool of 3,000 photos from which Phoenix Design Aid and the UNV together carefully selected the final photos to support the narrative of the book.

Phoenix Design Aid also provided the embedded translations and was responsible for the printing, binding and distribution of the book to the UNV regional offices.
