About theProject


Print publication in English.


Brand/visual identity, concept design, graphic design, photo research, illustration, infographics, map design, data graphics, layout and typesetting.


The UNAIDS report on the global AIDS epidemic provides an annual update on the HIV epidemic and response based on countries’ annual AIDS response progress.

Phoenix Design Aid has designed a report for UNAIDS with the overall theme “woman and girls”. The report consists of a main report including, for example, fast-track commitment updates and champion profiles with illustrations, figures, tables and infographics and a section with data driven regional profiles.

The overall process for the project execution has demanded careful logistics planning. This particular large-scale project has had a very compacted process with many people involved from both the Phoenix Design Aid team as well as the team of the client and with country data submission deadlines very close to the publishing deadline. Thus, Phoenix Design Aid always strive to be as flexible and agile as possible the production to mitigate for additional requests, delays and correction. In that regard, we count on possible deviations in the production plan, but never at the cost of the quality of the product.
