UNDP Congo Brazzaville – Agenda 2024

Graphic Design & Layout Printing & Distribution UNDP

About theProject


Agenda book.


Graphic design, layout, printing, binding and shipping.


Phoenix Design Aid had the pleasure of designing the agenda 2024 for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Congo Brazzaville. The agenda 2024 is a book that can be used by UNDP Congo Brazzaville staff as a calendar and for note-taking.

Phoenix Design Aid was also responsible for the printing, binding and distribution of the agenda 2024.

As part of Phoenix Design Aid’s graphic and concept design services, we create and develop a wide range of branded elements – a book calendar being one example. Branded elements can used both internally and externally, often acting as a brand identifier that can boost organizational identification internally and promote awareness externally.
