UNFCCC Nairobi Work Programme, Adaptation Knowledge Portal

UNFCCC NWP Digital, Web & Apps Portal UX design Information architecture Wireframing Search & semantics Climate

About theProject


The Portal aims at facilitating the sharing of good practices and lessons learned by offering an exchange platform to all adaptation practitioners and researchers, including partner organizations of the NWP. On the Portal, you will be able to find, among others:

• Adaptation case studies;
• Methods and tools for the various stages of the adaptation process;
• Other knowledge resources, including relevant publications, reports, technical documents, databases & online portals;
• Latest news on adaptation under the UNFCCC process, and from NWP partner organizations.


• UX & Information Architecture
• Wireframing
• Search & semantics
• Design


The Adaptation Knowledge Portal is an initiative undertaken under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change (NWP), which was established at COP11 to facilitate and catalyze the development and dissemination of information and knowledge to support adaptation policies and practices, including in developing countries. The knowledge resource pages provide detailed information on the resources generated under the NWP, the Loss and Damage work stream and the Adaptation Committee, and indicate other online knowledge resources under the UNFCCC secretariat.To view the website go to: http://www4.unfccc.int/sites/nwp/Pages/Home.aspx
